1. Status post assault.
2. Left-sided subdural hematoma.
1. Status post assault.
2. Evacuation, left subdural hematoma.
3. Placement of inferior vena cava
Admission history and physical is on the
patient’s chart for close review.
The patient was transported by Promedica Air from emergency room to hospital
where he went directly to the operating room. He had a trauma evaluation
postop in the Neuro ICU. CT of the head from hospital showed left-sided
subdural with a possible skull fracture. CT of the C-spine was negative
for acute injury. The patient had an extraventricular drain in place
status post procedure, was intubated and sedated. The following day #2,
the patient had a CT abdomen and pelvis for solid organ injury or free
air. The following hospital day #3, the patient had a repeat CT head,
which showed decrease in the size of the subdural with persistent left
frontotemporal subarachnoid hemorrhage. The patient remained intubated
and sedated. On hospital day #5, the patient’s C-spine was cleared per
Neurosurgery. He had another repeat head CT, which showed a slight
increase in the subarachnoid hemorrhage and edema after the midline shaft of
the right. Extraventricular drain was removed and replaced.
Following day with hospital stay day #6, the patient’s hemoglobin was low; he
received 1 unit of packed red blood cells and had adequate response to
this. Following hospital day #7, the patient’s extraventricular drain was
Next day, hospital stay #8, the patient had
another repeat head CT, which showed a decrease in the subdural, small frontal
intraparenchymal hemorrhage. Following day of stay #9, the patient was
extubated and had and EEG performed, which showed encephalopathy, swelling and
a potential for performed, which showed encephalopathy, swelling and a
potential for seizures, the patient remained in the ICU. PM and R consult
was obtained, which recommended the patient go to ECF versus inpatient. The
following day #10, the patient remained in the Neuro ICU. The patient had
an inferior vena cava filter placed without complications. The following
day #11, the patient had a GI consult for possible PEG placement. They
refused secondary to the patient’s history of portal hypertension and
esophageal varices. In hospital day #12, the patient was stable.
Neurologically, had been the same since extubation, which is not moving left
side showing left side neglect and was transferred to the Stepdown Unit.
The next hospital stay #14, the patient had a swallow study performed, which he
passed and was placed on dysphagia 2 with nectar-thickened liquid diet.
Discharge planning was continued for Extended Care facility. On hospital
day #15, the patient remained hemodynamically stable, still had some left-sided
neglect and was tolerating his dysphagia 2 diet and was deemed ready for
discharge by our services involved. The patient was discharged to
Extended Care Facility. There was a community referral form, which was
filled out for information on medications and follow up in 3 weeks with Dr. and
the Extended Care Facility was informed to call physician if temperature above
101, chest pain, or shortness of breath.
Plan is
to have the patient discharged today,
March 14, 2009.
The patient
was admitted on March
12, 2009.
Chest pressure along with elevated
cardiac enzymes. His troponin
level rose to 64.3.
PROCEDURES: Include a heart catheterization, this occurred on March 13, 2009. Results, severe multivessel coronary artery disease occlusion along with hypokinesis in the inferior wall. Please note the patient given his age and comorbidities was deemed to be not a candidate for CABG surgery.
The patient's other medical conditions to include,
1. Chronic pleural effusion bilaterally.
3. Hyponatremia.
4. Condylomata.
The patient had no signs of infection.
PROCEDURES: Include a heart catheterization, this occurred on March 13, 2009. Results, severe multivessel coronary artery disease occlusion along with hypokinesis in the inferior wall. Please note the patient given his age and comorbidities was deemed to be not a candidate for CABG surgery.
The patient's other medical conditions to include,
1. Chronic pleural effusion bilaterally.
3. Hyponatremia.
4. Condylomata.
The patient had no signs of infection.
Stable to ECF.
Vital signs on the date of discharge, temperature 98.1 degrees, pulse rate 77, respirations 20, and blood pressure 117/48.
RECOMMENDATIONS: For activity, as tolerated; for diet, low−salt, cardiac diet.
MEDICATIONS UPON DISCHARGE: To include Combivent two puffs four times a day, aspirin 325 a day, Lipitor 40 mg a day, Plavix 75 mg a day, demeclocycline 150 mg twice a day for the SIADH, Imdur 30 mg a day, and Lopressor 25 mg twice a day.
There was a chest x−ray on March 12, 2009, which revealed mild cardiomegaly and streaky densities at the left lung base and right mid lung, hyperinflation with coarse interstitial lung markings similar to prior studies, COPD less likely. Please note the 12−lead EKG failed to reveal any axis deviation or Q wave. However, chest x−ray was ordered, results were still pending by the time of discharge. We would want the results to the patient's primary care physician. Lipitor was actually discontinued by the physician of Cardiology and Zocor 40 mg a day was replaced instead.
Vital signs on the date of discharge, temperature 98.1 degrees, pulse rate 77, respirations 20, and blood pressure 117/48.
RECOMMENDATIONS: For activity, as tolerated; for diet, low−salt, cardiac diet.
MEDICATIONS UPON DISCHARGE: To include Combivent two puffs four times a day, aspirin 325 a day, Lipitor 40 mg a day, Plavix 75 mg a day, demeclocycline 150 mg twice a day for the SIADH, Imdur 30 mg a day, and Lopressor 25 mg twice a day.
There was a chest x−ray on March 12, 2009, which revealed mild cardiomegaly and streaky densities at the left lung base and right mid lung, hyperinflation with coarse interstitial lung markings similar to prior studies, COPD less likely. Please note the 12−lead EKG failed to reveal any axis deviation or Q wave. However, chest x−ray was ordered, results were still pending by the time of discharge. We would want the results to the patient's primary care physician. Lipitor was actually discontinued by the physician of Cardiology and Zocor 40 mg a day was replaced instead.
degenerative osteoarthritis of
the right knee.
and dyslipidemia.
PROCEDURES PERFORMED: Right total knee arthroplasty.
PROCEDURES PERFORMED: Right total knee arthroplasty.
A 56−year−old male had undergone
a previous left total
knee arthroplasty and did well, underwent
an uncomplicated right total knee
arthroplasty. The patient was started on
aspirin for DVT prophylaxis and was
doing well but on the second
postoperative day, slipped in
the shower and hit his
head. He was evaluated
later on the day and
the next day he had
no symptoms of anything
serious. The patient was
discharged to the Transitional Care
Unit on the third postoperative day.
RECOMMENDATIONS ON DISCHARGE: The patient will continue inpatient physical therapy b.i.d. for total knee protocol. Weightbearing as tolerated.
MEDICATIONS: As follows: Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg daily, Zocor 20 mg daily, Elavil 25 mg at bedtime, aspirin 81 b.i.d. for 3 weeks, Vicodin for pain and I will follow the patient in the Transitional Care Unit.
RECOMMENDATIONS ON DISCHARGE: The patient will continue inpatient physical therapy b.i.d. for total knee protocol. Weightbearing as tolerated.
MEDICATIONS: As follows: Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg daily, Zocor 20 mg daily, Elavil 25 mg at bedtime, aspirin 81 b.i.d. for 3 weeks, Vicodin for pain and I will follow the patient in the Transitional Care Unit.
Acute deep venous thrombosis, right leg.
Hiatal hernia.
HOSPITAL COURSE AND SIGNIFICANT FINDINGS: This is a 79−year−old white female, suddenly developed pain and swelling to right lower leg 2 weeks prior to admission. Gradually, her pain and swelling became worse. She was seen at emergency center. Venous Doppler study revealed deep venous thrombosis, right leg. She was admitted for further evaluation and treatment. Vascular consultation with Dr. was obtained. She was treated with Lovenox and Coumadin. Gradually, her condition improved.
HOSPITAL COURSE AND SIGNIFICANT FINDINGS: This is a 79−year−old white female, suddenly developed pain and swelling to right lower leg 2 weeks prior to admission. Gradually, her pain and swelling became worse. She was seen at emergency center. Venous Doppler study revealed deep venous thrombosis, right leg. She was admitted for further evaluation and treatment. Vascular consultation with Dr. was obtained. She was treated with Lovenox and Coumadin. Gradually, her condition improved.
Pain and swelling to
right leg decreased.
MEDICATIONS AND DOSES: Please see discharge medication list for detail.
ACTIVITY: As tolerated.
DIET: Regular diet.
MEDICATIONS AND DOSES: Please see discharge medication list for detail.
ACTIVITY: As tolerated.
DIET: Regular diet.
The patient was
discharged to home with visiting
nurse service.
FOLLOWUP: Follow up as an outpatient.
FOLLOWUP: Follow up as an outpatient.
Severe epistaxis.
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: The patient is an 82−year−old white male who presented this morning to hospital ER on 03/20/2009 with severe left−sided nasal epistaxis. He was seen by the ER physician. At that time, an anterior Rapid Rhino pack was placed in the left nasal cavity; however, he continued to bleed. ENT was re−consulted and I was requested to see the patient. The patient has had intermittent nosebleeds for many months secondary to the fact he is on Coumadin and that he has a known septal perforation, often these nosebleeds stopped spontaneously at home with nasal pressure. This recent nosebleed started that morning and that is why the patient presented to the emergency room.
1. Squamous cell carcinoma, right piriform sinus.
2. Coronary artery disease.
3. GERD.
4. Hypercoagulopathy.
5. Anxiety.
6. Environmental allergies.
7. Hypercholesterolemia.
8. Hypertension.
9. Cataracts.
1. Pacemaker.
2. DL with esophagoscopy on 6/8/2007 by Dr. .
3. DL with biopsies on 9/27/2007.
MEDICATIONS: Isosorbide, Xanax, Pravachol, aspirin, Prilosec, Altace, Klor−Con, and Coumadin.
SOCIAL HISTORY: Socially, denies tobacco or alcohol use.
REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: The patient denies any fevers, chills, fatigue, and weight loss. PULMONARY: No shortness of breath, COPD. CARDIOVASCULAR: No palpitations. GI: No abdominal distress. GU: No dysuria.
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: The patient is an 82−year−old white male who presented this morning to hospital ER on 03/20/2009 with severe left−sided nasal epistaxis. He was seen by the ER physician. At that time, an anterior Rapid Rhino pack was placed in the left nasal cavity; however, he continued to bleed. ENT was re−consulted and I was requested to see the patient. The patient has had intermittent nosebleeds for many months secondary to the fact he is on Coumadin and that he has a known septal perforation, often these nosebleeds stopped spontaneously at home with nasal pressure. This recent nosebleed started that morning and that is why the patient presented to the emergency room.
1. Squamous cell carcinoma, right piriform sinus.
2. Coronary artery disease.
3. GERD.
4. Hypercoagulopathy.
5. Anxiety.
6. Environmental allergies.
7. Hypercholesterolemia.
8. Hypertension.
9. Cataracts.
1. Pacemaker.
2. DL with esophagoscopy on 6/8/2007 by Dr. .
3. DL with biopsies on 9/27/2007.
MEDICATIONS: Isosorbide, Xanax, Pravachol, aspirin, Prilosec, Altace, Klor−Con, and Coumadin.
SOCIAL HISTORY: Socially, denies tobacco or alcohol use.
REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: The patient denies any fevers, chills, fatigue, and weight loss. PULMONARY: No shortness of breath, COPD. CARDIOVASCULAR: No palpitations. GI: No abdominal distress. GU: No dysuria.
alert, awake, oriented. He is in
mild distress secondary to the
severe epistaxis. Examination of the face
revealed a pack in his left nasal
cavity. Ear canals are clean and dry.
Oral mucosa is pink and moist. Tongue
is mobile. Neck is supple. No
PROCEDURE: Placement of left anterior−posterior nasal pack.
PROCEDURE: Placement of left anterior−posterior nasal pack.
The patient was lying
in the supine position. The previous
pack was removed from
the left nasal cavity. A
7.5 cm Rapid Rhino anterior−posterior
pack was moistened in sterile saline
and placed in the left
nasal cavity and advanced into
the nasopharynx. We then inflated over
half an hour with approximately
25 cc of air. During
that time, the patient's nose bleed significantly
reduced in severity; however, due to
the fact the patient has a
history of a pacemaker and has
evidence of a life−threatening nosebleed,
we were going to admit the patient
to the ICU.
ASSESSMENT: Epistaxis.
PLAN: At this point, the patient will be admitted to the ICU for monitoring. We will get Hematology and Cardiology see the patient also. The patient has a history of pacemaker and possibly a hypercoagulable state. At this point, my question for both Hematology/Oncology and Cardiology is that if this patient can be left off the Coumadin. His Coumadin use has resulted in severe nasal epistaxis over the last few months. At this point, we hope we would find some alternative medication for him.
Thank you for allowing me to participate in the care of the patient.
ASSESSMENT: Epistaxis.
PLAN: At this point, the patient will be admitted to the ICU for monitoring. We will get Hematology and Cardiology see the patient also. The patient has a history of pacemaker and possibly a hypercoagulable state. At this point, my question for both Hematology/Oncology and Cardiology is that if this patient can be left off the Coumadin. His Coumadin use has resulted in severe nasal epistaxis over the last few months. At this point, we hope we would find some alternative medication for him.
Thank you for allowing me to participate in the care of the patient.
Acute coronary syndrome.
DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS: Acute coronary syndrome.
DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS: Acute coronary syndrome.
The patient is a 63−year−old
Hispanic male who presents to the
emergency room with complaints of
increasing chest pain. The patient actually
had been seen in the office
about 2−3 weeks prior to that for
a cold. He reports the cold symptoms
have improved. At the time of his cold,
we set him for some physical, lab,
and EKG. The patient reported that
earlier in the day of 3/20/2008, he
developed some chest pain when he was
moving some shingles. The patient reported
he lifted a bundle of shingles, put
it on the back of
his truck moving it only 5 feet
or so. He had to wait 5 or 10
minutes before he could pick up the
next bundle and then he will get
short of breath and have to wait
another 5 minutes before he can pick
up the third bundle. As a result
of this, he decided that he should get
the test done, so he came to
the hospital where his blood
work was done and
EKG done. EKG was faxed to our
office with patient already left while
the time we got the results. It
was abnormal and so we called the
patient, got hold of
his daughter−in−law and told her to
send him to the Emergency Room. It
was informed in the emergency room
that he was coming. The
patient was then
The patient was ruled in for MI. His troponin did go up. He was seen by Cardiology who agreed that this seemed to be cardiac in nature. Initially, we had done an echocardiogram, which showed a decreased ejection fraction, but the cardiologist was not sure whether this is all old and then he did not have any viable heart muscle tissue. He wanted to do a PET scan before revascularizing. Unfortunately, we cannot do the PET scan here as an inpatient and so we decided that the best thing would be to transfer him to where he can get further care. The patient did undergo a heart cath here, which showed a distal left main lesion, a proximal LAD lesion 80% circumflex was 90%, and RCA was 100% and an ejection fraction of around 30% on the cath.
1. Acute coronary syndrome.
2. History of colon cancer.
3. Hypertension.
4. Hypercholesterolemia.
5. History of previous myocardial infarction.
The patient was ruled in for MI. His troponin did go up. He was seen by Cardiology who agreed that this seemed to be cardiac in nature. Initially, we had done an echocardiogram, which showed a decreased ejection fraction, but the cardiologist was not sure whether this is all old and then he did not have any viable heart muscle tissue. He wanted to do a PET scan before revascularizing. Unfortunately, we cannot do the PET scan here as an inpatient and so we decided that the best thing would be to transfer him to where he can get further care. The patient did undergo a heart cath here, which showed a distal left main lesion, a proximal LAD lesion 80% circumflex was 90%, and RCA was 100% and an ejection fraction of around 30% on the cath.
1. Acute coronary syndrome.
2. History of colon cancer.
3. Hypertension.
4. Hypercholesterolemia.
5. History of previous myocardial infarction.
synovial cyst, compression of
the right nerve root at
the L4−5 level.
The patient is a 52−year−old
female having right leg pain, getting
worse over the last year, and
radiating down to the
right side, plenty of tingling
to the lateral aspect, down
to her right ankle
and orse with walking, sitting, and
stress, improved with lying down and yoga.
Past medical history is significant for hypercholesteremia, sinus surgery, left knee arthroscopy, and tonsillectomy.
No known drug allergies.
Past medical history is significant for hypercholesteremia, sinus surgery, left knee arthroscopy, and tonsillectomy.
No known drug allergies.
Mild weakness on the right extensor
hallucis longus and decreased
right ankle reflexes and
right knee reflexes.
The patient was
admitted for surgical procedure on 3/31/08.
PROCEDURE: On 3/31/08, the patient underwent a right minimally invasive L4−L5 hemilaminotomy for removal of synovial cyst. The patient tolerated the procedure well with no complications. The patient went to Recovery Room in satisfactory condition. In the postop period, the patient was treated with pain management and physiotherapy for out of bed ambulating, weightbearing as tolerated, and activities of daily living. On postop day #1, the patient has some discomfort, yet was able to ambulate well. The wound was clean and dry and the Tegaderm dressing was clean and dry. On postop day #2, the patient was able to ambulate better, had no right leg pain. The wound was clean and dry. Tegaderm dressing applied. The patient did well in postop period.
DISCHARGE STATUS: The patient is discharged home. Afebrile. Vital signs stable. PT for out of bed ambulating, weightbearing as tolerated, and activities of daily living. No bending, no lifting, and no twisting.
Medications are as follows: Lortab or Vicodin 1 tab−2 tabs q.4h. p.r.n. for pain, Lipitor 10 mg p.o. daily, Celexa 20 mg p.o. daily, Cheracol L8 Detrol LA 10 mg p.o. daily, Ambien 5 mg p.o. as necessary.
PROCEDURE: On 3/31/08, the patient underwent a right minimally invasive L4−L5 hemilaminotomy for removal of synovial cyst. The patient tolerated the procedure well with no complications. The patient went to Recovery Room in satisfactory condition. In the postop period, the patient was treated with pain management and physiotherapy for out of bed ambulating, weightbearing as tolerated, and activities of daily living. On postop day #1, the patient has some discomfort, yet was able to ambulate well. The wound was clean and dry and the Tegaderm dressing was clean and dry. On postop day #2, the patient was able to ambulate better, had no right leg pain. The wound was clean and dry. Tegaderm dressing applied. The patient did well in postop period.
DISCHARGE STATUS: The patient is discharged home. Afebrile. Vital signs stable. PT for out of bed ambulating, weightbearing as tolerated, and activities of daily living. No bending, no lifting, and no twisting.
Medications are as follows: Lortab or Vicodin 1 tab−2 tabs q.4h. p.r.n. for pain, Lipitor 10 mg p.o. daily, Celexa 20 mg p.o. daily, Cheracol L8 Detrol LA 10 mg p.o. daily, Ambien 5 mg p.o. as necessary.
The patient is to
follow up in doctor's office
in 1 week's
time. The patient is to call
the office for
any concerns.
1. Liver metastasis.
2. Sepsis.
3. Gastric carcinoma.
4. Pleural effusion.
5. Protein malnutrition.
6. Neutropenia.
7. Delirium.
HOSPITAL COURSE: The patient was admitted on January 2009 1/29, with increasing nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and abdominal distention in the setting of progressive hepatic metastasis from gastric carcinoma. Additional history per HPI.
PHYSICAL EXAM: Weak, chronically ill appearing.
Blood pressure 128/80, pulse 70, he is 96 with orthostatic changes noted in HPI, respirations 22−24. HEENT: Scleral icterus. Pharynx dry. Oral mucosa, no ulcers. LUNGS: Scattered crackles at base. COR: S1 and S2, regular. ABDOMEN: Distended with increased hepatomegaly and tenderness in abdomen without rebound or guarding. Bowel sounds are normal. Markedly distended abdomen with shifting dullness. EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis or clubbing. Trace edema.
LABORATORY DATA: Bilirubin 3.1 with alkaline phosphatase 428, ALT 131, AST 146, albumin 9.8, mild neutropenia.
HOSPITAL COURSE: The patient was placed on IV Procalamine, Percocet, and MS Contin for pain control along IV morphine for breakthrough pain. He was given Neupogen for neutropenia with a plan for possible chemoembolization for marked hepatic metastasis both for pain control and reduction in tumor burden. He continued to have abdominal pain and was reviewed with the interventional radiologist and he was placed on vitamin K. For elevated PT, he received both vitamin K and FFP. In addition, for hyponatremia developing on Procalamine, normal saline was added to his fluids. As noted, he continued on Neupogen for neutropenia. On 01/31, he underwent right hepatic embolization for progressive tumor, which he tolerated well. He had only moderate abdominal pain and fever, but otherwise was stable. He continued to receive Neupogen for neutropenia and was cultured for fever. His temperature rose to 101.7, and in the setting of persistent neutropenia, he was started on IV Fortaz along with continued Neupogen. Because of increasing abdominal pain, which was unrelieved with oral pain medicine, he was switched to Duragesic and IV morphine boluses. His cultures were returned positive for ? Pseudomonas and he was seen in consultation by Infectious Disease. Because of the adequacy of Fortaz, this was continued when Cipro was added to maximize coverage for possible Pseudomonas. He was told it was returned positive for Pseudomonas resistant to Fortaz, he was placed on Merrem. His course was complicated by intermittent hypotension for which he received fluids and albumin because of concern for marked reduction in serum albumin in the setting of his underlying hepatic dysfunction. His Neupogen continued with correction in his neutropenia, but he became increasingly confused, felt to be secondary to delirium in the setting of both infection and metastatic cancer. He was seen in GI consultation in light of the planned prior endoscopy, which was held in light of his progressive disease and the absence of indication for more aggressive followup care at that time.
He continued to deteriorate with increasing weakness and delirium, remained on his antibiotic course and received continued support with both IV fluids, pain control, and periodic sedation for anxiety. He had a followup chest x-ray, which revealed new evidence for an infiltrate, felt to be possible on aspiration basis. Cultures were obtained. He continued on his regimen, but vancomycin was added to broaden coverage for possible Staph. However, he remained on antibiotics with a bump in his white count of 31,000 and his Neupogen has been discontinued at that time. It was felt to be at least partly infection plus rebound from neutropenia. Throughout this time, he continued deteriorating with progressively decreased mental status and confusion, and his care switched to predominantly supportive care. He was made DNR after discussions with his wife.
His antibiotics were discontinued after a full course, and he continued to receive intermittent Lasix for abdominal distention and excess fluid. Attention in the setting of hypoalbuminemia, he received oxygen for decreased respiratory status in the setting of his confusion and delirium, and remained on both fluids and Procalamine throughout the course.
Discussion of TPN was raised, but this was felt to not be appropriate in light of his underlying illness and poor prognosis. He underwent a paracentesis for comfort because of marked ascites on 02/11, which he tolerated well. He actually had some improvement in his overall mental status and his fluids were reduced, and he was begun on chest physical therapy and was out of bed briefly. His antibiotics were all discontinued on 02/13, although he remained seriously ill. His p.o. intake briefly improved. On 02/16, he developed acute onset of hemoptysis with melena and bright red bleeding. The hemoptysis was felt to be secondary to progressive gastrointestinal bleeding from his underlying tumor. Discussions about the propriety of transfusion were raised with the family was decided to give him transfusion and to discontinue all anticoagulant therapy from his prior PE. His ascites worsened over the next several days. His hematological status stabilized after transfusion without further hemoptysis. Because of his progressive deterioration, he was placed on increased morphine for pain control and comfort, and he slowly deteriorated becoming unresponsive. On 2/19, at 20:40, he was found without blood pressure, pulse, and was declared at that time.
Acute renal failure,
resolved. Creatinine 1 mg/dL on the
day of signing off the case.
2. Labile hypertension.
Blood pressure improved on the day of signing off the case.
3. Exacerbation of congestive heart failure, improved.
4. Mild mitral regurgitation, moderate tricuspid regurgitation, elevated right ventricular systolic pressure, and cardiac echo 3/5/2009.
5. Pulmonary fibrosis with pulmonary hypertension.
6. History of permanent pacemaker, following AV nodal ablation on 10/2007.
7. Hypothyroidism.
8. Hyperlipidemia.
9. Atrial fibrillation status post AV nodal ablation.
10. History of gastrointestinal bleed.
11. Cecal mass of unknown etiology.
1. Renal ultrasound findings: Right kidney is 9 cm, left kidney 8.6 cm, no hydronephrosis.
2. Chest x−ray findings: Widespread interstitial opacities compatible with interstitial pulmonary fibrosis with ill−defined ground−glass opacities, appearing unchanged.
3. CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis 3/5/2009: Abnormal appearance of the cecum, mass not excluded.
NARRATIVE SUMMARY: The patient is an 85−year−old Caucasian woman admitted to the Hospital on March 3, 2009, with complaints of generalized weakness, shortness of breath, and abdominal pain. Nephrology consultation was requested for assistance in controlling the patient's blood pressure. The extensive details of the patient's presentation and past medical history are outlined in the extensive nephrology consult note dictated by Dr. on 03/11/2009. The readers refer to these documents for etails of the past medical history, as they will not be recapitulated here.
1. Acute renal failure: The patient had complete recovery of the renal function. On the day of signing off the case, the BUN was 29 and the creatinine was 1.05.
Nephrological treatment was not planned.
2. Labile hypertension.
Blood pressure improved on the day of signing off the case.
3. Exacerbation of congestive heart failure, improved.
4. Mild mitral regurgitation, moderate tricuspid regurgitation, elevated right ventricular systolic pressure, and cardiac echo 3/5/2009.
5. Pulmonary fibrosis with pulmonary hypertension.
6. History of permanent pacemaker, following AV nodal ablation on 10/2007.
7. Hypothyroidism.
8. Hyperlipidemia.
9. Atrial fibrillation status post AV nodal ablation.
10. History of gastrointestinal bleed.
11. Cecal mass of unknown etiology.
1. Renal ultrasound findings: Right kidney is 9 cm, left kidney 8.6 cm, no hydronephrosis.
2. Chest x−ray findings: Widespread interstitial opacities compatible with interstitial pulmonary fibrosis with ill−defined ground−glass opacities, appearing unchanged.
3. CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis 3/5/2009: Abnormal appearance of the cecum, mass not excluded.
NARRATIVE SUMMARY: The patient is an 85−year−old Caucasian woman admitted to the Hospital on March 3, 2009, with complaints of generalized weakness, shortness of breath, and abdominal pain. Nephrology consultation was requested for assistance in controlling the patient's blood pressure. The extensive details of the patient's presentation and past medical history are outlined in the extensive nephrology consult note dictated by Dr. on 03/11/2009. The readers refer to these documents for etails of the past medical history, as they will not be recapitulated here.
1. Acute renal failure: The patient had complete recovery of the renal function. On the day of signing off the case, the BUN was 29 and the creatinine was 1.05.
Nephrological treatment was not planned.
2. Labile hypertension:
The patient's labile hypertension was felt
to be due to essential
hypertension with intermittently low
and then high blood
pressures due to the use
of short−acting anti−hypertensive agents. Plasma−free
catecholamines were sent for evaluation on
03/12/2009, and were pending at the
time of this dictation. I do not
think that that the patient
is a candidate for
operation on pheochromocytoma even in
the likely event that such a
diagnosis is made. The patient's blood
pressure was much better controlled on
the regimen, which is dictated
3. Possible cecal
mass: The possibility of the cecal
mass was identified on
a CT scan of the abdomen
and pelvis. The patient was seen in
consultation by Dr. . She resolutely
refused colonoscopy to evaluate
this finding and
gastroenterological service signed off.
4. Severe pulmonary
fibrosis: Dr. discussed the option of
hospice with the patient,
but the patient wished
to prefer to wait
and talk with her nephew
who will be visiting the
hospital soon.
DISPOSITION: On 03/14/2009, is the patient was stable. Nephrologic consultation was discontinued.
DISPOSITION: On 03/14/2009, is the patient was stable. Nephrologic consultation was discontinued.
DAY OF SIGNING OFF: On 03/14/2009,
sodium 137, potassium 3.9, chloride 92,
total CO2 36, BUN 29, and creatinine 1.05.
MEDICATIONS ON THE DAY OF SIGNING OFF THE CASE: Bumex 1 mg p.o. daily, clonidine 0.1 mg p.o. b.i.d., Vasotec 2.5 mg b.i.d., Lovenox 40 mg subcu once daily, Synthroid 0.05 mg p.o. before breakfast, Toprol−XL 25 mg b.i.d., Prilosec 20 mg daily, Crestor 5 mg daily, and Tylenol as needed for pain.
MEDICATIONS ON THE DAY OF SIGNING OFF THE CASE: Bumex 1 mg p.o. daily, clonidine 0.1 mg p.o. b.i.d., Vasotec 2.5 mg b.i.d., Lovenox 40 mg subcu once daily, Synthroid 0.05 mg p.o. before breakfast, Toprol−XL 25 mg b.i.d., Prilosec 20 mg daily, Crestor 5 mg daily, and Tylenol as needed for pain.
The patient is
an 86−year−old man with metastatic
duodenal cancer, was admitted
to cancer center for his ongoing chemotherapy.
The patient has
stated that his uropathy persists; however,
symptom has not worsened in the
last 2 weeks. He had
no focal complaints. He
denied any fevers. He
denied any nausea or
vomiting. He reported that his
energy level has been fair.
MEDICATIONS: His current outpatient medications include Lipitor, lisinopril, Norvasc, Coumadin, actos, multivitamins.
PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT: The patient is afebrile with a temperature of 97 degrees. His blood pressure is 128/60. Lungs are clear. Heart rhythm revealed normal S1, S2. He does not have any palpable lymphadenopathies.
CBC showed a white count of 7.3, hemoglobin of 9.7, and platelet count of 254,000.
Subsequent to the establishment of the IV access, the patient was given Taxol 80 mg/meter squared, with a total of 160 mg. His total Taxol dose was reduced due to his persistent uropathy. The patient was also given Procrit 60,000 units subcutaneously.
The patient will return in 2 weeks to continue the author and should not be re-disclosed.
MEDICATIONS: His current outpatient medications include Lipitor, lisinopril, Norvasc, Coumadin, actos, multivitamins.
PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT: The patient is afebrile with a temperature of 97 degrees. His blood pressure is 128/60. Lungs are clear. Heart rhythm revealed normal S1, S2. He does not have any palpable lymphadenopathies.
CBC showed a white count of 7.3, hemoglobin of 9.7, and platelet count of 254,000.
Subsequent to the establishment of the IV access, the patient was given Taxol 80 mg/meter squared, with a total of 160 mg. His total Taxol dose was reduced due to his persistent uropathy. The patient was also given Procrit 60,000 units subcutaneously.
The patient will return in 2 weeks to continue the author and should not be re-disclosed.
This is a 60-year−old man
with hypogammaglobulinemia who returns to
cancer center for his continuing IV
gamma globulin therapy. The
patient has tolerated last week’s
gamma globulin without any complication.
He had no
acute constitutional complaints.
He denied any recent
fevers. The patient has informed me
that he is in touch with Dr.
who had suggested that the patient
receive the gamma globulin over
1 day.
His current outpatient medications include, Naproxen, Zantac, Norvasc, Avandia, Benicar, metformin, metoprolol, Coumadin, Lipitor.
PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT: His blood pressure is 128/70. He is afebrile with temperature 97 degrees. His lungs are clear. Heart exam rhythm revealed normal S1, S2.
His current outpatient medications include, Naproxen, Zantac, Norvasc, Avandia, Benicar, metformin, metoprolol, Coumadin, Lipitor.
PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT: His blood pressure is 128/70. He is afebrile with temperature 97 degrees. His lungs are clear. Heart exam rhythm revealed normal S1, S2.
Previous IgG
level was 605.
The patient received
25 g of Gammagard without
any complications. The patient will
return in 2 weeks, at which time,
50 g of Gammagard will be infused
in 1 day.
The patient is
a 58−year−old male with anaplastic
large cell lymphoma who was
admitted to Hospital with inability
to swallow and a profound
hypokalemia. Following the admission
to the hospital, the patient was
given IV fluid resuscitation. Psychiatry
consultation was obtained
for assistance in management of
patient’s depression. The patient was also
seen by Renal for management
of his persistent hypokalemia
and hypophosphatemia. The
patient had persistent abdominal pain
and he eventually underwent an upper
endoscopy, which demonstrated that he had
candidal esophagitis. Subsequent to the
initiation of Diflucan therapy, the patient
had clinical improvement. However, the
patient remained
persistently hypokalemic. The patient's oral
potassium regimen was changed to KCl
along with K−Phos. The patient's
electrolyte is currently stable and he
has been able to tolerate
regular diet without any complications
for the last 48 hours.
The patient is also
a bit afebrile for the last 72 hours.
The patient will be discharged home on the following medications. The patient will take:
1. Lexapro 10 mg q.h.s.
2. Diflucan 100 mg p.o. daily for 2 weeks.
3. Virilon 10 mg daily.
4. K-Dur 40 mEq b.i.d.
5. K-Phos 500 mg q.i.d. along with oxandrolone 10 mg daily.
6. Epzicom 600/300 mg p.o. daily.
7. Kaletra 200/50 mg p.o. daily.
8. Isentress 400 mg p.o. b.i.d.
9. Magic mouthwash.
The patient will continue with outpatient prophylactic azithromycin and Bactrim as needed.
The patient will be discharged home on the following medications. The patient will take:
1. Lexapro 10 mg q.h.s.
2. Diflucan 100 mg p.o. daily for 2 weeks.
3. Virilon 10 mg daily.
4. K-Dur 40 mEq b.i.d.
5. K-Phos 500 mg q.i.d. along with oxandrolone 10 mg daily.
6. Epzicom 600/300 mg p.o. daily.
7. Kaletra 200/50 mg p.o. daily.
8. Isentress 400 mg p.o. b.i.d.
9. Magic mouthwash.
The patient will continue with outpatient prophylactic azithromycin and Bactrim as needed.
Right breast carcinoma.
DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS: Right breast carcinoma, positive axillary lymph node metastases.
HOSPITAL COURSE: The patient was taken to the Operating Room on 03/13/2009. Underwent right axillary sentinel node biopsy followed by right axillary lymph node dissection and right lumpectomy.
DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS: Right breast carcinoma, positive axillary lymph node metastases.
HOSPITAL COURSE: The patient was taken to the Operating Room on 03/13/2009. Underwent right axillary sentinel node biopsy followed by right axillary lymph node dissection and right lumpectomy.
Intraoperatively, the
patient had multiple
nodes nodes, which were positive for metastatic breast carcinoma. Preoperative imaging
only demonstrated mild enlargement of 2 lymph nodes in the right axilla.
The patient tolerated the procedure well.
Postoperatively, pain was
controlled. Slightly dizzy, postoperative day #1.
Postoperative day #2,
pain controlled. No dizziness. Tolerating
regular diet. Wound healing well. Slight
swelling in the right axilla. Drain
with serosanguineous drainage.
Discharged and follow
up with Dr. as an outpatient.
Nausea and vomiting. vomiting of unknown etiology.
SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS: Elevated amylase and lipase.
PROCEDURES DONE: Ultrasound of the gallbladder and pancreas on 03/15/09, which were both unremarkable.
The patient is a 20−year−old African−American female, G1, P0−0−3−0 who came in to the hospital with complaints of body aches and right upper quadrant pain. Initial labs show amylase of 238 and lipase of 48. Ultrasound of the gallbladder and pancreas are both unremarkable. The patient was admitted for observation. Amylase on 03/16/09, was 294 and lipase 158. The patient was continued on p.o. diet and pancreatic enzymes were rechecked the following day.
Labs on discharge of the pancreatic enzymes were trending towards normal. Amylase on discharge was 26 and lipase is normal at 25. CMP was normal except for albumin of 2.8. CBC showed hematocrit and hemoglobin of 10.8 and 32 respectively, which, were both stable during hospitalization.
The patient continues to recuperate. She denies nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, or body aches. The patient can continue with regular diet and activity as tolerated. She was advised to follow up with her OB doctor after discharge from the hospital in 1 week's time. She was also instructed to return to the hospital for any concerning symptoms of fever, nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain.
SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS: Elevated amylase and lipase.
PROCEDURES DONE: Ultrasound of the gallbladder and pancreas on 03/15/09, which were both unremarkable.
The patient is a 20−year−old African−American female, G1, P0−0−3−0 who came in to the hospital with complaints of body aches and right upper quadrant pain. Initial labs show amylase of 238 and lipase of 48. Ultrasound of the gallbladder and pancreas are both unremarkable. The patient was admitted for observation. Amylase on 03/16/09, was 294 and lipase 158. The patient was continued on p.o. diet and pancreatic enzymes were rechecked the following day.
Labs on discharge of the pancreatic enzymes were trending towards normal. Amylase on discharge was 26 and lipase is normal at 25. CMP was normal except for albumin of 2.8. CBC showed hematocrit and hemoglobin of 10.8 and 32 respectively, which, were both stable during hospitalization.
The patient continues to recuperate. She denies nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, or body aches. The patient can continue with regular diet and activity as tolerated. She was advised to follow up with her OB doctor after discharge from the hospital in 1 week's time. She was also instructed to return to the hospital for any concerning symptoms of fever, nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain.
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